Wandbord met groene kristalglazuren van Frans Slot
Johannes Franciscus (Frans) Slot (1909-1974) begon zijn keramische loopbaan in 1921 als leerling van de bekende pottenbakker Chris Lanooy (1881-1948). Slot deed later meestal het draaiwerk en Lanooy nam de glazuren voor zijn rekening. Sommige objecten werden door hen beiden gesigneerd. Pas in 1946 begon Slot als zelfstandig pottenbakker in Epe. In 1972 stopte Slot met zijn bedrijf. Dit wandbord met groene kristalglazuren dateert waarschijnlijk uit de jaren 50. Afmeting 28 cm. Prijs op aanvraag
Wall plate with green crystal glazes by Frans Slot
Johannes Franciscus (Frans) Slot (1909-1974) began in 1921 his ceramic career as an apprentice of the well-known Dutch potter Chris Lanooy (1881-1948). Slot did later usually the turning and Lanooy took the glazes on his behalf. Some objects were signed by both of them. It was only in 1946 that Slot began as an independent potter in Epe. Slot stopped in 1972 with his company. This wall plate with green crystal glazes probably dates from the 1950s. Size 28 cm. Price on request